Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who would guess what you can do in Bhutan?

Ok, so this is my very first time sitting on computer during my trip. Guess where I am...Bhutan! There are tons of "High-speed" Internet places in Bangkok but none of them I can put my sd card in and couldn't really trust them anyway. I could update my blog from my iPod but I really wanted to put pictures.

As I said on the title who could ever imagine that you can easily get Internet in Bhutan??

I know it's been forever since I wrote blog last time (wow that's before I started traveling...) but I will write everything, everyday now no matter how old they are...who cares?

December 8th
This is the very first picture I took. Hua Lamphong station in Bangkok.
What I learned:
- 500 Bahts from the airport to the station is pretty expensive. should've taken the train.
- Crossing a street is very thrilling in Bangkok. Even more when you carry a huge backpack.

What made me happy:
- The receptionists at my hostel were nice and I could meet a Thai lady boy for the first time!

 December 9th
I spent a whole day on the train to Chiang Mai.

 What I learned:
- If you go take trains in Thailand, you better bring thick jackets.
- There's no toilets on trains. no such thing. There is just a hole which looks like a toilet. I could see the track from the hole you know that that means.

What made me happy:
- I realized most of Thai smile at me back when I smile to them.

December 10th
 Pui picked me up at Chiang Mai station last night then took me to her gorgeous apartment.
I walked around the Old Town all day visiting so many Wats (temples) and markets.

When I was getting lost a Monk helped me. I thought I wasn't even allowed to talk or come close so was pretty surprised but since there are so many monks in Thailand I stopped getting surprised looking at them.
See, people here are pretty friendly.
I don't even remember how many times I said "sawade kaa".

After I got back I had dinner with Pui's friends. The Thai food I ate burned my tongue...guess I can't live in Thailand.
 What I learned:
- Monks are not something you should be scared of.
- Seems Pad Thai is the only food I like and edible for me so far...

What made me happy:
- Thai people. So friendly and nice. Haven't gotten ripped off yet (I hope)!

December 11th
Sunset from Pui's appartment. She lives on 14th floor. beautiful huh?

I joined a tour. Elephants ride, water rafting, bamboo boat, long necks tribe, and trekking (1200 bahts = 3500 yen). Pictures tell everything.
After the tour I walked for like an hour without destinations. I just wanted to go walk then somehow I got to this night market. I liked the atmosphere. Noisiness, liveliness, energy....
What I learned:
- Apparently long necks aren't from the place I went. They are almost like exhibitions which is pretty sad.
- Bargaining

What made me happy:
- I could feed an elephant bananas!
- I could bargain!!

Time to go eat dinner......

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